Compliance and integrity
Welcome to KELA's whistleblower channel.

KELA considers integrity to be one of the cornerstones of its DNA. Therefore, a whistleblowing mechanism has been set up to allow both employees and third parties to confidentially report serious irregularities on internal policies and procedures, laws and regulations. These might include illegal, unfair or unlawful behaviour such as public health and safety risks, product safety, environmental protection, personal data privacy protection or social fraud. For psychosocial or interpersonal problems, we refer to the supervisor, HR manager or external confidential advisor. By reporting an irregularity, you help ensure our high standards of compliance and integrity. 

We take reports of violations very seriously, explain them in detail and respond appropriately, taking into account the relevant legal standards.

Internal whistleblowers who provide information in good faith are protected by a policy against sanctions on our part. 
Making a report is not an easy decision. Within KELA, we are aware that you are concerned about the possible implications of a report. KELA has established a policy to ensure that there is an existing framework where employees can raise concerns without fear of negative consequences.

If you are unsure whether you should report your concern, it may be helpful to discuss it with your supervisor if they are not involved in the matter in question in any way. It is important that you do not discuss your concerns with anyone involved in the incident and do not communicate your suspicions to anyone other than the person to whom you have sought confidential advice. Through this tool, you can make a report in writing or request a meeting with the whistleblowing officer. This allows you to make your report verbally.  Every report is treated confidentially. Via this tool, you can also file an anonymous report if you wish.

How our whistleblower system helps protect your privacy

  • No identifying information is provided to the contacts.
  • Your message will be stylometrically redacted to provide you with an even higher level of anonymity. We remove all punctuation and convert all words to lowercase."
  • All information is end-to-end encrypted, so your sensitive information remains safe.

What you can do to protect yourself

  • You are not on the corporate network (Internet/VPN).
  • You should not use a device (smartphone, computer, etc) that is provided by your employer.
  • You should not use the kinds of idioms or abbreviations that you frequently use in conversations or when writing emails.